Tuesday, March 15, 2011

All things girl.

All things girl.

The girls a lot of things.
All things girl.

 The coolest way to explore the girl - this is a provocation. So you build up a situation so if she wanted to meet you. It's not as difficult as it seems.
Sun, beach and lonely light up the girl. You sit on the sidelines and see how it taxis to the guys, but none of them it is not preferred, on the contrary it is cutting all things girl of their otshivaet. But she is so good that you can not deny myself the pleasure to meet her - everything is normal, you want - to get acquainted.

You come and sit next to her, but it does not even look at her. You defiantly and confidently draw on the sand, and the figure is part of its territory. She tries to understand what is going on? And when her patience comes to an end, she naturally turns to you and asks: "Why are you here draw?"
You answer: "" I do not draw, I spend testing. This replica will not go unanswered. "Testing what?", Will ask it.
Well this is so obvious you want to understand whether it is appropriate to you? "And how does it work?" , She asks. -And you still do not understand? Means failed.
-And you're all so testiruesh?

Well, in general on the case entirely in your hands. The main thing you caught her attention and curiosity, but how long do you restrain them depends on you most - the main thing you're distracted by the girl from her waiver for the guys and started communicating with her. This method of dating women, works great, not only on the beach, it was good and the bar and a nightclub. You just need to use one's brains.

Public transport - a great place to meet and attract attention. Distress, all jostle. You grab the handrail, and quite by accident, your hand rests on top of it. Then it all depends on you. Banal "Hi!" may end her mobile number, which is already written in your.

To make acquaintance was successful, try to adjust to a girl on one wave and ahead of her thoughts and desires, even for a split second, then she would see in you my soul mate.

If you want to be a good pick up artist - always important to work on yourself, go into the field to make approaches to stop afraid to learn, become arrogant, self-confident, girls like these. When you change yourself, change the world around you. After all, every girl is looking at you that in itself is absent. Remember that, learn to see it and give it to them, if not you will be afraid to get acquainted with them, and they will be in awe, and excitement of waiting I knew you.